In the current historical cycle of transformation on the threshold of the fourth industrial revolution, some companies are making intensive use of platform technology.
The gig economy trend is partly a result of the global economic crises, but temporary or short-term contracts are also a consequence of the digitization of companies. The digital era has entered with force and has made itself felt in the types of contracts.
With the advent of new technologies, some of the jobs have been replaced by machines, and companies no longer need to have a large pool of workers, so permanent contracts have been reduced.
As a precedent, the 'gig economy' was born in the United States a little more than a decade ago. With the arrival of the economic crisis, the labour market underwent a revolution from which alternative forms to the traditional hiring that was known until then emerged. Flexibility and online communication are the fundamental pillars of the functioning of the gig economy.
(Source BBVA)
A self-employed and full-time employee
Since the approval of the rules for entrepreneurs, the possibility of working as an employee for a company and at the same time developing an entrepreneurial activity has been opened up. It is regulated, and the worker can benefit from a series of quota reductions.
This employment model could be compared to freelance work, as it consists of accepting assignments of a specific duration and without exclusivity with the contracting company.
In the USA, one of the most successful platforms based on the 'gig economy' has been TaskRabbit -specializing in domestic tasks including moving, electrical installations or making purchases-, which puts clients in contact with workers. The latter can respond to a client's offer for a specific project and can also be contacted directly by the client according to their profile. For many employees, this model represents the possibility of achieving a better reconciliation between work and personal life. (Source Cinco Días, El País, Spain)